Monday 10 December 2012

Mock Up Music Magazine - Final Cover

Here is my final version of my mock up of Q Music Magazine. I have displayed my mock up next to the original for comparison purposes.
I am quite happy with the final outcome of the cover, as I think, for the most part, I have managed to find similar fonts for the various coverlines, however after closer inspection, I  have still missed some small details, which has made me sure that when I create my own music magazine to not ignore the smaller details. I am happy with the main image, and am pleased with how I managed to use Photoshop to edit out the background and insert a new one, which will be useful if it is a process I need for my own magazine. 
Overall, I am quite pleased with my mock up magazine cover, however I will need to make sure that when I create my own magazine to make sure that I keep track of smaller details, such as which layers various images or text will be featured, as this will have an overall effect of which coverlines and images are displayed on top of others. I found the process of making a mock up of a music magazine very useful because it has helped me understand the codes and conventions better, which I will take into account when going through the process of creating my own music magazine.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Mock Up Music Magazine Cover - Second Attempt

This is my second on going attempt at creating a mock up of the Q Magazine cover. As you can see, I have added more of the text onto the cover, as well as editing the layout slightly so everything will fit on the cover suitably. I added in the flash on the bottom right corner, which I found especially difficult because I have to create each line of words in a different text box so that I could edit them and arrange them to fit inside the flash, like the real magazine cover. I also added a bar code at the bottom right, with I think now makes my cover look more believable and professional.
  My next task is to photoshop my main image onto the cover, which I am excited to do to see the overall outcome, but also so that I can learn some of the tools of Photoshop, and how to edit photos, such as removing the background. This technique will hopefully be useful when I create images for my own music magazine.

Mock Up Music Magazine Cover - First Attempt

I have begun to start creating my mock up of the Q Magazine Lady Gaga cover. This is my first attempt, and it looks very basic at the moment. However, I have begun to include the basic layout and structure of the cover, and tried creating similar fonts and text to the real cover. I am hoping that with more of the details and the main image added it will look more like the real magazine.

Mock Up Music Magazine Cover

As practice for when I create my own music magazine cover, I am going to make a mock up of a cover that has been used for a real music magazine. For this task, I have chosen Q Magazine, because when researching music magazine covers, I found this image and instantly too a liking. I like how the limited colours still make the cover interesting, but mostly I really like magazine cover that feature only one image, because although simple, in my opinion it makes a better cover, as it attracts all the attention. I am definitely going to use the features of this cover as inspiration for my own magazine, but also hopefully learn from the process, and understand more the world of creating a music magazine.