Friday 4 January 2013

Rock Music Magazines - Analysis of Articles

This magazine article I took from the American rock magazine, Revolver. I like it's simple structure, with one whole page for an image, with the second page structured in columns, featuring the story's title, and a subsidiary image. White and black are the main colours featured, which I think is appropriate for a rock/metal magazine. The caption on the first image, "Amy Lee. Evanescence," states the artist's name, and the name of the band, but also implies that the article is more focused on her, rather than the band. Although this caption could also have been used as she is the person featured in the photograph, as captions are used to explain the pictures. The dark colours in the photo, as well as the artist having black hair and rather pale skin, reinforces the rock/metal genre, representing the genre of the magazine, as well as giving the magazine a gothic theme.

The headline, "Sweet Sacrifice," is featured in bold, contrasting with the black box, making it stand out. This title links in with the band, being a previous song title, but also with the article, as the text features information about the gap between their previous work, and the return of the band, apparent by the sub-title, "Amy Lee is back rocking harder than ever". The credits are featured at the bottom of the second page

This article is taken from the magazine, Kerrang! It features the typical rock magazine colours: black, white and red. This instantly amplifies the genre of representation, which is also reinforced by the title, "Teen Spirit," which is written in white, with a blood splat-looking background. The image of the fighting artists, links with the youth aspect of the article, and the featuring of dark jeans, long hair and rock music clothing further emphasises the genre. The structure of this article is very similar to the previous article, proving that it is simple, yet effective. However, this article features a main image on the first page, with multiple subsidiary images on the "What are Rolo Tomassi made of?" section. The article also features a quote from one of the artists, that is layered onto the main image, "I just love dancing and screaming" - Eva Spence', similar to the previous article, which shows that key quotes are popular to promote on main images, perhaps to draw in the attention of the reader, making them interested in reading further into the article, as without a taster, the artist may have not been as interested.

This article is taking from the popular music magazine, NME. The structure of this article is quite different to the previous two articles, as the main image is featured on the opposite page, and runs into both pages. There is also just one image featured, which although restricts diversity, it allows the one image to be larger and more powerful. The artist's black straight hair, and dark eye make-up, represents the artist as a rock/metal character.

The article has a very interesting title, "People think I'm an attention seeker, but I'm just honest." I find this unusual, as it is obviously a quote that has been taken from the interview, however I can see how this would attract readers, in a similar way as the quote in the previous article. I also find the font of the title very interesting and stylish, as it represents are more psychological, twisted feel, which fits in well with the quote, as well as the music genre.

Again, black, white and red are the colours featured in the article, which gives me the idea that these are the appropriate colours for a rock/metal magazine.

Overall, although music magazine articles of the rock genre can be structured and displayed in various ways, they all feature similar ideas, such as colours, and representation. This has given me ideas for my article, and a baseline to what my article for a rock/metal magazine should look like, and perhaps the type of information that it should include, especially more focused on interviewing artists.

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