Sunday 30 September 2012

Total Film Analysis

The Masthead of the magazine is 'Total Film.' This immediately informs the customer that it is a magazine purely based on the film industry. This is also very recognisable by consistent buyers, and the Masthead is conventially located at the top of the magazine, as many people read from the top and work their way down. The bold font and the colour makes the Masthead stand out, and is very eye-chatching.

The Main Coverline is titled, "The Hunger Games," which instantly suggests that the film is the main feature and story of the issue. This would appeal to the audience as it is a recent film, and the size of the text is very large, making it easily readable for customers. The fire in the background may also make the magazine more appealing, as it could represent danger and gripping storylines, and the white font stands out from the background well, signifying the Main Coverline.

The Flash states "The 10 Biggest Blockbusters You Need To See." This title, as well as the bright yellow and the red and black writing, attracts the customer. The word, "Need," makes the customer feel obliged to buy the magazine, as it is vital that they see the films. The use of larger fonts for, "10," and, "Biggest," suggests that the Flash could be anything, and therefore the customer needs to look close up to the magazine to be able to read the title, perhaps tricking the customer into buying the magazine.

The Coverline to the right of the magazine, titled, "The Whole Story! Death! Destruction! Dystopia!" draws the customer into buying the magazine. The powerful words used, like, "Death" and, "Dystopia," exaggerate the story, making it more interesting to the audience.  Also, the words, "The Whole Story," suggests that it is exclusive to this magazine, and is unavailable anywhere else, forcing the customer to buy the magazine.

The Additional Images, such as the top right corner, of two actresses, with a complimentary caption, "Bond Babes Face Off," not only imply that there are other interesting stories featured in the issue, but could also appeal to the male customers, perhaps suggesting more erotic and sexy features and articles.

The Price of the magazine is £3.99, which is a very reasonable price for a magazine that features a variety of stories and articles, again attracting customers. However the fact that is has been written in such a small font obviously suggests that they don't want the price to the be the main attraction of the magazine cover.

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