Sunday 7 October 2012

School Magazine Cover - Colour/Final Draft Analysis

This is the colour version of my magazine cover. It is very similar to my first draft, as I was happy with the previous draft, so I therefore decided to change very few things.

I did not change the masthead, as I was happy with the design. I think the size is appropriate, because it is big enough to be seen from a distance, is eye-catching, and not too big, as it does not draw attention away from the main image. I decided to go with the colour gold to refer to the meaning behind the title (pieces if gold), but it also works with the school logo, being the fleur de lys, which is often presented in the colour gold. 

I decided to keep the main coverline the same as the first draft, because I liked the positioning and layout of the title, as I think it works well with the story. I used the colour red for the "VS," because it represents danger and conflict, suitable for the feature, and is very eye-catching, as it will attract customers and stand out from the main image positioned behind the main coverline.

I also decided to keep the flash, because it helps include a variety of various layout techniques, and is also relevant to the main feature, as it emphasises the idea of battle and conflict,(such as a boxing match) between the two department, as well as providing a more comedic aspect to the story.

I kept the strap-line on the cover, because it informs the audience that, although this is the first issue, it is the first issue of the re-branding, as it is a newer version of the old school magazines, apparent by the title, "The Comeback Issue!" I used the colour red again because it catches the customer's eyes, but also adds a bit of colour onto the cover, which will hopefully stand out from the main image when I produce the final cover.

For the final draft, I decided to keep the first part of the splash, "Which are more important," however, I found that including this, and the title underneath, "Leading members of the KHS staff fight their corners," made the cover look too cluttered, and was not very easy on the eye. Therefore, I discarded the second part, and I am happy with the outcome, as although it is simple, still remains informative and interesting to the reader.

I kept the bar code and the price the same for my final draft, as I thought the positioning of the bar code was suitable for the layout, and I thought the price (£2.50) was a very affordable and appropriate price, as although it may seem a little expensive for a 'school' magazine, it is just as informative and interesting as any other magazine. I think the bar code also resembles others featured on magazine covers well, which was what I was hoping to achieve, as I wanted my magazine to be not only significant and eye-catching, but look suitable on a shelf in a store.

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