Sunday 21 October 2012

The Contents Page - Analysis

Total Film - Contents Page

1. What is the function of a contents page?
The function of a contents page is to display all or the most popular stories that are featured in the magazine, giving the reader an insight of what is to come, and also presenting corresponding page numbers to allow the reader to find the relevant page.

2. How does a reader use a contents page?
Usually located at the front of the magazine, the reader can use to contents page to browse the features inside, as the contents pages gives a summary of the magazine, allowing them to find out which features will interest them, as well as making it easy for the reader to find specific pages.

Teen Vogue - Contents Page

3. What is the conventional layout for a contents page in a magazine?
Contents pages in magazines usually follow the same layout and structure, however, do contain subtle differences. The Total Film contents page is titled, "Contents," with a grid structure, displaying coverlines, page numbers and various images relevant to certain features. There are also various titles, such as "On the cover," and, "Buzz News," which split the pages up into a variety of categories, making it easier for the reader to find the stories they are looking for.
  The Teen Vogue contents page has a more simple structure, featuring a main image, suggesting that she is the main feature in the magazine. The page also displays various titles and corresponding page numbers of some, not all, of the features inside, implying which stories are the main, perhaps most important in                                

Heat - Contents Page

the magazine.
  The Heat contents page has a much more chaotic looking layout, crammed with images, adverts and text, although it does follow the same ideas. Similar to the Total Film contents page, it separate the stories into categories like, "On the cover," and "News and Stuff," however also features a main image with accompanying text underneath, which could lead onto the next page, or gives a summary of the main feature inside.

4. What is the conventional design for a contents page in a magazine?
The design for a contents page in a magazine are also very similar, as all three examples include images from the features, as well as informative text, including some summaries, and also page numbers, for obvious reasons. Magazine contents pages follow the same design, just with different images and text, such as Total Film magazine featuring various images with corresponding page numbers, similar to the Teen Vogue contents page with an image and an accompanying page number for reference.

5. How much information does a contents page contain?
Different contents pages contain different amounts of information. All the examples display the titles of the features, and the page numbers, however, the Teen Vogue contents page includes some information about the few features presented on the content page, where as the Total Film contents page includes a much larger list of the stories inside, with brief summaries or slogans to make the reader want to continue and read the magazine.

6. What information does a contents page contain?
The contents page gives the reader a brief summary into what stories are featured in the magazine, giving details about the information included in the stories, as well as the location of each feature.

7. How are images used in a conventional contents page?
Images are used on a contents page to give the reader a visual presentation of the features in the magazine. As well as making the page more pleasing to the eye, the idea of using images relevant to the stories, the reader can find information about something they may not have known the name of, for example the films on the Total Film contents page. Images are also most commonly used to promote the main coverline, or stories the editor thinks will be most popular.

8. How is language used in a conventional contents page?
The language used in a contents page is often to promote the stories featured in the magazine. Often presented in slogans, catchphrases and witty lines, the language draws in the reader, intriguing them and making them want to read on, as well as summarising each of the features, informing the reader of what is to come. For example, the Heat contents page uses language such as, "Pregnant Posh," which is used to stir up the actual story, sometimes exaggerating the news, to draw attention to the reader, making them eager to read on.

9. What are the key codes and conventions of a contents page?
Key codes of a contents page are text and images, as without these, the reader would not be able to navigate their way through the magazine to specific features. Images are also vital, as they attract the reader, and gives the reader an instant insight on what they are going to be reading about. Key conventions are layout and structure, as without an well organised structure, the contents page would be a complete mess, as well as being unable to read. Being well organised, the contents page is easily accessible by the reader, giving them a comfortable and relaxing experience.

10. How does the function of a contents page affect its layout and design?
To make the contents easily accessible, the functions of the contents page and the layout and design must compliment each other. In order for the reader to find certain features, the layout and design has to display the right, specific information needed, giving the reader a suitable, pleasurable experience. Images are also useful, as being relevant to the topic, allows the reader to pin point specific stories they are interested in if the title steers away from the obvious. Also, the idea of having a page to list all of the information included in the magazine, the structure of the page is therefore usually displayed as a list, which also adds to the ease of navigation for the reader.

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